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Re: 7.9.5-pre4 tests on OS X 10.1.2

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 00:01:42 +0100 (MET)

On Mon, 4 Mar 2002, jonatan wrote:

> i am running the curl command outside of the test suite.
> all of the following yield the same result as above:
> localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -H "a: b"
> localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -H 'a: b'
> localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -H a:\ b
> however these work:
> localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -H "a:b"
> localhost% /usr/local/bin/curl -H "a: b"
> my setup is:
> localhost% ~/curl-7.9.5-pre4/src/curl -V
> curl 7.9.5-pre4 (powerpc-apple-darwin5.3) libcurl 7.9.5-pre4
> localhost% /usr/local/bin/curl -V
> curl 7.9.2 (powerpc-apple-darwin5.2) libcurl 7.9.2


I don't know what to say. Did you build the 7.9.2 version from source too? It
obviously had something different as it picked a different darwin version.

How the heck can it not parse the command line as it is supposed to? The
7.9.2 can...

That parsing is completely out of curl's control, and I'm afraid I can't make
any sense out of this.

I'm baffled.

    Daniel Stenberg -- curl groks URLs --
Received on 2002-03-05