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RE: v8 --enable-dream-mode

From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 12:30:57 -0500

Would it be possible to get an example of how you actually use this to
make a SOAP request? I'm not quite sure I've followed (yet) what you're
doing differently with this code than you could do already. Perhaps an
example of how this changes the data in the HTTP request might prove
more illustrative to me.

Also, seeing as how you're using a windows machine, have you looked into
the new WinHTTP component that comes with MSXML 4.0? From peeking at the
docs, WinHTTP is the replacement for their older ServerXMLHTTP object;
however the big new benefit is that it doesn't actually use the IE
WinINET libraries, so it (theoretically) no longer has any issues with
multi-threading, or with having multiple simultaneous requests hitting
against a single web server, or with caching, etc etc... Of course, the
usefulness of this may depend on what programming language you're trying
to issues these queries from.

Received on 2001-12-12