cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


RE: v8 --enable-dream-mode

From: Marcus Webster <>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:07:24 -0000

Mundane Suggestion:

I have been using libCurl as a means to send/receive SOAP requests over the Internet. I have hacked in an option to add headers to multi-part POSTs. Basically I want to be able to send a file up to the SOAP server, which requires that I specify headers for each of the attachments that are in the POST (i.e. One for the SOAP envelope and one for the file ).

For now I have added a CURLFORM_CONTENTHEADER argument to the curl_formadd function, which allows me to specify a curl_slist of additional headers.

Exciting Suggestion:

Could the use of libCurl be made to enhance the users' appeal to the opposite sex. I realize that such a feature would require Daniel to carry a big stick with him at all times (to fight them off) but I'm sure that such a feature would propel the userbase upto the size of Internet Explorer's.
Received on 2001-12-12