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RE: Cookies still not working as of 7.9.1-pre2

From: Roth, Kevin P. <>
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 13:00:17 -0400

> Nah, right. You still need to "enable" the cookie engine with a switch
> "-b filenotpresent". Try adding that and see if it works better.

Ah, thanks. Indeed it does. If you remember my previous note about the
cookie-jar not working, it turns out this was the problem I was talking
about (the file not being created, as opposed to the contents not
looking quite right). However, I definitely like the new ability to
"guess" the right path and domain, instead of just recording "(null)".

> We should probably start the cookie parsing when only the -c is
present as
> well.

Yes, yes. I agree wholeheartedly. -b/-D should go together, and -c
should be able to stand on its own.

> Thanks for testing. We need it!

No problem. Thanks for maintaining this tool. It's really quite

One more thing: the text you placed in your default cookie-jar file
should be changed slightly. Instead of:

 "# This is generated by libcurl! Edit on your own risk."

it should probably be:

 "# This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk."

I would be happy to submit a compiled cygwin version (though I'd guess
not too many people use it since it's not very up-to-date on your web
site right now). Should I send that directly to you, Daniel?

Received on 2001-10-05