cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


JavaScript posting

From: Nils Lohner <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 16:33:26 +0200

  I'm trying to figure out how to forward emails to my cell phone (or
parts of them at least...) and need to figure out how/what to post as
data. The email end is easy to do with procmail etc. but I can't
figure out how to do the web side.

I've looked at the man pages and tutorial, but that only seems to
discuss forms and not whatever's used on the page I'm looking at.

The web site is:
(or go to and then click on texto to get there)

My main questions are:
- how can I figure out what gets posted (i.e. can I post the data and
capture it somehow to see what's in the fields?)
- if not, how do I figure out what to send?
- how do I send it (I assume that this is the easy part...)

Thanks in advance for any help.

Received on 2001-07-03