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RE: Question with binary transferts

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 15:08:51 +0200 (MET DST)

On Mon, 14 May 2001, Giltay Frédéric wrote:

> And since you told me I had an old version, I tried to download a new
> one. But I don't know which one to take. Here are the information I have
> about the computer I use it with:

> BASH=/usr/local/bin/bash
> HOSTTYPE=sparc

SunOS 5 is what is generally known as Solaris 2. If you type 'uname -r'
you'll see exactly what version of Solaris you have. And as it happens, two
binary packages for Solaris were uploaded last week thanks to Jean Robertson.

(My Solaris 2.7 systems responds "5.7" to that command.)

> My other problem is that I have no C compiler installed on that computer
> and don't have administrators privileges so I can only executes already
> compiled programs (curl652 was one).

A system without a compiler is not a complete system! ;-)

But of course, if 6.5.2 works for you, you don't *have to* upgrade...

     Daniel Stenberg -- curl dude --
Received on 2001-05-14