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RE: HTTPS weirdos (with patch) (possible solution)

From: Cain Hopwood <>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 14:48:22 -0000

> I hope someone who has the problem can apply this patch,
> recompile, retry and
> the post the status.

No problem doing that, but it didn't make any difference to my problem.
However, I've modified the original code to write to OpenSSL in chunks of
1024 bytes and I'm now able to HTTPS Post 200K with no problems. I'll
migrate this modification to my other platforms and see if it's fixed the
problem on all of them. That will also test up to 700K posts as well.

I've attached a patch to the latest source tree with the changes required.
As I mention in the source, sending in chunks larger than 1K fails (for me).
This is strange because previously posts up to 100 odd K were successful.

This test was on and old Linux Redhat 5.2 system, I'll update the status for
my other platforms as I do them. Someone else may wish to test PUT etc.

L&K Cain

Received on 2001-02-09