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RE: HTTPS weirdos (with patch)

From: Cain Hopwood <>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 10:38:55 -0000

> For you who have experienced problems with curl doing writes to https
> servers, I offer a test-patch to see if one of the changes I've
> made lately
> in that area is what causes these problems.
> I hope someone who has the problem can apply this patch,
> recompile, retry and
> the post the status.

I'll dive straight in, it's either that or break up the XML I'm sending into
80K chunks. I've never applied a patch (I generally work from tarball
snapshots), but it can't be to hard.

> Obviously, I screwed something up after about curl 7.5.2 and it
> only seems to
> affect https uploads.

I'm not so sure, I'm getting the https Post request problem, with curl
7.4.2, 7.5.2 and 7.6. My guess is it's something in the way openSSL is being
used. My plan for today was to grab some bare bones https client sample and
try to either duplicate or fix the problem then compare to curl. I'll apply
this patch first though.

L&K Cain
Received on 2001-02-09