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Q: POST - Location - GET/POST

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 08:36:27 +0100 (MET)


From the recent bug report

The following question has been raised:

 Is there a point to add an option that would make curl *NOT* revert to GET
after a POST and Location:?

Today, when you use a POST operation and tell curl to follow a Location:,
curl automatically switches to GET after the initial request and thus the
order of operation is: POST - Location - GET. Howard Gayle wants the
operation to be POST - Location - POST, which indidently was how curl
behaved all the way until curl 7.1 (I think, I haven't checked the exact

Is there a point of adding this as a separate option? What if there's a
second location after the second POST, what is curl supposed to do then?

  Daniel Stenberg -- curl project maintainer --
Received on 2001-01-26