cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Which files do I need to keep?

From: Bill Wood <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 22:08:47 -0500

I installed cURL and have it working fine but, I would like to delete the
curl-7.5.2 directory that it was installed from. The problem is that
apparently cURL still needs some of the files in there to work.

My install was a little out of the ordinary because I have the KNOWN PROBLEM
listed in the install docs. ie- the autoconf on my server is older than

When I installed I had to do the following:

./configure [...]
       cd lib; make; cd ..
       cd src; make; cd ..

I then copied the following files:

cp /curl-7.5.2/src/.libs/* /bin/.libs
cp /curl-7.5.2/src/curl /bin/

There must be more files that would normally be copied during the automatic
install. Anyone know what those files and/or directories might be? I'm
running on a Redhat Linux box with PERL 5 and Apache.

Received on 2001-01-15