cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: apache+php402+curl crash

From: Paul Harrington <>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 09:49:12 +0100

> I have apache crash with the curl library on php module :

I had a similar problem which was fixed by turning off the Zend opmimizer.

I've not really had much time to look at the PHP curl module.

I use curl a fair bit for perl cgi's to open curl as a pipe and then use
a while(<CURL>) to interate over the output. How do I do something similar
in PHP. The curl module seems to either dump its output to STDOUT or to the



         Paul Harrington              ___________________________________
   Independent Internet Limited      /       Phone:  01244 390015
  Internet * Security * Unix * NT   /        Mobile: 07970 402941
___________________________________/       URL
Received on 2000-09-05