cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: ANNOUNCE: curl 6.5

From: Janne Johansson <>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 17:48:44 +0100

> > If you want to collect strange binaries, I have saved
> > the m68k-openbsd curl binary at:
> >
> I prefer to "point" at it. I have lousy bandwidth to the site
> and I already have some 40+ packages in my public directory. Can you keep it
> there for while?

Sure do. I have a 256kbit "only" but I guess the potential downloaders
for openbsd-m68k binaries are few enough. =)

I'll tell you when it runs out. ;-)

Allt är under kontroll, och Caps lock är bredvid. 
Received on 2000-03-14