cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail



From: Andrew <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 19:29:07 -0900

is there a way to tell curl not to buffer telnet data and just output the file
when using -o?

I set up a script to log data off telnet ports with the option -o but it looks
like its buffering the data, instead
of outputting to file packet by packet. looks like its buffering around 8129 but
I haven't really looked.
I'm also logging another session that has a lot of back buffered data on it so
when it connects curl gets
24K plus of data and it is logging "packet by packet" but the ones im having
problems with initially don't
have more then 40 bytes of data and don't have as much traffic as the one that
is working dose.
and I also tried --crlf to see if you only output on crlf that didn't help. btw
im on linux.

Andrew L.
Received on 2000-02-26