cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Developing an Application using LibCurl

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 17:56:30 +0100 (MET)

Sarju Garg wrote:

First, this list is being moved. Join the new libcurl list over at
(I haven't announced this properly yet, but it is still up and running...)

Secondly, I Cc'ed my reply to the main curl mailing list as well for other
people to take notice.

> Has anybody tried developing multithreading application using libcurl.a?

A few people have. I suggest you follow this question to the regular curl
mailing list, the (new) libcurl mailing list is for the development of the
new libcurl API. I have tried to get some people to once-and-for-all write
a README/document about multi-threading and libcurl but so far I've
received nothing. This is not a complaint, just a fact.

> This application will ideally sent URL request to the HTTPS server.

libcurl in itself doesn't prevent multi-threading, allthough system calls
it uses may not be threadsafe. Like gethostbyname() etc.

> Any information in this regard will be most useful.

Well, maybe this time we'll get some text written about it! ;-)

   Daniel Stenberg - - +46-705-44 31 77
   ech`echo xiun|tr nu oc|sed 'sx\([sx]\)\([xoi]\)xo un\2\1 is xg'`ol
Received on 2000-02-08