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Re: I need some advice...

From: <>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 13:00:58 -0800

> > * How should I display upload progress status? When performing a HTTP PUT,
> > curl may very well end up uploading and downloading at the same time. How
> > should the meter display this? I could sum up all the numbers and display
> > them like today, with both directions diplayed in the same meter but I
> > don't think that's what you'd like...
There used to be an old protocol called Bmodem...this was a bi-directional
transfer and it was very showed you everything you could ever
want to know...You might see if you can get the code to it....

You might also look at WDDX - The PHP3 folks have built an
interface to it for PHP3. I think there's a perl interface as well. On the
surface, it appears to provide a way for server and Javascript in the client
to push packets back and forth. YMMV :O) WDDX is sponsored by Allaire.

Received on 2000-02-01