cURL / libcurl / hiper / hiper roadmap

Project Hiper Roadmap

How we intend/hope this project to proceed:

1. Measure and Benchmark Existing API

  1. gather many unique existing URLs (a lot more than 10,000)
    • mostly to unique hosts, but not necessarily all unique. For the sake of comparing with a future pipelining version, the test script should be able to ask for the same document Y times, at least in a later stage.
    • Write up a curl-using script and use these services:
    • Store the tens of thousands of random URLs in a text file

  2. Write up a multi interface using program that extracts N random URLs from the list and downloads them simultaneously.

    The random seed and N must be able to be specified to be able to repeat the exact same set in a subsequent invoke, but in general testing we must vary the seed in order to not exhaust the same hosts.

    libcurl should most likely be built with c-ares support.

    Use debug builds to be able to generated memory-trace logs to fully track and check amount of memory used per connection.

    Compare the memory usage measurements with the amount of memory installed in the development machines so that we remain testing within the amount of available system RAM.

  3. Measure time from select() returning to it being called again. Run multiple times - do many measurements.

2. Implement the curl_multi_socket API

- Port the test program from phase 1 to the new API.

- Run measurements and benchmarks

3. Implement HTTP pipelining support

Make sure that:

To make benchmarks, identify high-latency high-bandwith servers that allow pipelining to get a feel for "optimal" performance boosts.