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[curl:bugs] Re: #1298 libcurl will be hang with libevent when timeout

From: he qin <>
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 03:09:40 +0000

I don't think this is a good patch, because it will later than expected. There is so many delay in libcurl, such as in multi_socket function. It is not a friendly for user when the millisecond timeout be set. For example, I set 10 milliseconds timeout , but must wait for 13 milliseconds. On the other hand, I think ahead the setting of TIMER_STARTSINGLE will make no bad effect and no difference for logic.

How do you think?

** [bugs:#1298] libcurl will be hang with libevent when timeout**
**Status:** open-confirmed
**Created:** Fri Nov 08, 2013 10:24 AM UTC by he qin
**Last Updated:** Mon Dec 02, 2013 02:38 PM UTC
**Owner:** Daniel Stenberg
I use libcurl & libevent to build a project (like docs/examples/hiperfifo.c) . I found that the easy handle will be hang in some case such as network timeout.
After reading the libcurl code and testing, I found the reason is libcurl control the timeout is not exact. 
This is my case:
1. set easy handle timeout is 80ms.
2. add easy handle to multi
3. when multi called the sock_cb, set the event, and set the timeout(80ms)
4. network timeout (easy handle read timeout)
5. libevent tell the curl timeout and curl call multi_socket function.
6. in multi_socket function, add_next_timeout will be called at last few line, and It will clean the timeoutlist for this easy handle because timeout occur. (at this moment, the easy hanle's state is CURLM_STATE_PERFORM)
7. next, it will call multi_runsingle function to process this easy handle, but in multi_runsingle function, Curl_timeleft will be called to check timeout occur or not. in Curl_timeleft it used the (now - t_startsingle). pay attention to this point, this may be 1ms, because Curl_tvdiff is not exact, such as : now(46151672,246084) - t_startsingle(46151672,166088) = 79ms, timeout is 80ms, so 80 - 79 = 1ms.
8. next, libcurl will be think this easy handle not timeout, but actually timeout occur, and the timeoutlist was cleared, so it will never be woke up. this easy handle will be hang for ever.
I think the logic for this code, I found that the real reason is that 
"Curl_pgrsTime(data, TIMER_STARTSINGLE);" be called after "Curl_expire(data, data->set.timeout);" . I try to move the "Curl_pgrsTime(data, TIMER_STARTSINGLE);" before ""Curl_expire(data, data->set.timeout);" , the bad case never occur.
In a word,  call the timer before set t_startsingle, will let libevet premature wake up the libcurl to process, and libcurl will think this not timeout.
of course, this bad case will occur  fewly, but when this occur, the result will be very terrible.
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Received on 2013-12-03

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