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[ curl-Bugs-3585128 ] Please add support for setting IP TOS/Precedence flags
From: SourceForge.net <noreply_at_sourceforge.net>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2012 04:20:44 -0800
Bugs item #3585128, was opened at 2012-11-07 04:20
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Initial Comment:
SSH and bittorrent do this already, but there doesn't seem to be any way to do it in curl.
You can do it with setsockopt(IP_TOS) on all platforms that support it except Windows, which disables this functionality and uses DSCP instead (unlike everyone else).
Some discussion of whether to use IPTOS_THROUGHPUT, IPTOS_PREC_PRIORITY or something else for bulk traffic:
Please could we add at least a flag that sets the precedence of all connections made by curl to bulk or interactive?
Even better would be heuristics to determine which mode is appropriate. My guess is that all applications of command-line curl are bulk, using libcurl to write to an output file or for any protocol except HTTP is bulk, and everything else (libcurl HTTP not to a file) is interactive.
If you accept this proposal I can try to work up a patch.
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