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[ curl-Bugs-3562261 ] website "share interface" overview is wrong
From: SourceForge.net <noreply_at_sourceforge.net>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 14:30:31 -0700
Bugs item #3562261, was opened at 2012-08-27 14:30
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Initial Comment:
You tell the shared object what data you want it to share by using curl_share_setopt(3). Currently you can only share DNS and/or COOKIE data.
But if you click the link and go to http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_share_setopt.html, it also lists CURL_LOCK_DATA_SSL_SESSION.
I suggest removing, "Currently you can only share DNS and/or COOKIE data," from the summary.
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Page updated January 05, 2012.
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