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[ curl-Bugs-3545398 ] auth status not being cleared when handles are reset

From: <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:39:55 -0700

Bugs item #3545398, was opened at 2012-07-18 07:06
Message generated for change (Settings changed) made by jmasonrim
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Category: libcurl
Group: wrong behaviour
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Joe Mason (jmasonrim)
Assigned to: Daniel Stenberg (bagder)
>Summary: auth status not being cleared when handles are reset

Initial Comment:
Using libcurl 7.24.0:

I'm trying to set up an app to connect to a server that supports GSS-Negotiate and NTLM auth. If the client-side auth setup is incorrect I want to fall back to using NTLM.

So this is pretty simple:

void doRequest(const char* url, const char* username, const char* password, bool allowNegotiate)
    int numErrors = 0;

    CURL* handle = curl_easy_init();
    curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, url);
    curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);
    curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writeCallback);
    curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, headerCallback); // increments numErrors on every 401
    curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, &numErrors);
    curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_USERNAME, username);
    curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, password);
    long allowedAuthSchemes = CURLAUTH_NTLM;
    if (allowNegotiate) {
        allowedAuthSchemes |= CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE;
    curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, allowedAuthSchemes);

    // expect one 401 to be sent during auth setup; anything more than that means auth failed
    if (numErrors > 1 && allowNegotiate) {
        // try again without Negotiate
        doRequest(url, username, password, false);

We set up a request allowing CURLAUTH_NTLM | CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE and, if it receives too many 401 errors, send it again with just CURLAUTH_NTLM.

To both requests, the server will send back:

WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
WWW-Authenticate: NTLM

The problem comes in Curl_http_input_auth:

    if(checkprefix("GSS-Negotiate", start) ||
       checkprefix("Negotiate", start)) {
      int neg;
      authp->avail |= CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE;

      if(authp->picked == CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE) {
        if(data->state.negotiate.state == GSS_AUTHSENT) {
          /* if we sent GSS authentication in the outgoing request and we get
             this back, we're in trouble */
          infof(data, "Authentication problem. Ignoring this.\n");
          data->state.authproblem = TRUE;
        else {
          neg = Curl_input_negotiate(conn, (bool)(httpcode == 407), start);
          if(neg == 0) {
            data->req.newurl = strdup(data->change.url);
              return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
            data->state.authproblem = FALSE;
            /* we received GSS auth info and we dealt with it fine */
            data->state.negotiate.state = GSS_AUTHRECV;
            data->state.authproblem = TRUE;

The first time through, it reads the Negotiate header, updates "avail", and then does nothing since "picked" is 0. After reading all the headers, it will set set "picked" to CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE because that's the highest priority, and attempt to output a negotiate header. (Which will fail because, for this test, GSS auth is set up wrong.)

The second time through, it reads the Negotiate header, updates "avail", and then goes into the "if" statement because "picked" is still CURLAUTH_NEGOTIATE from the first pass. Even though we're using a different handle! It then calls Curl_input_negotiate, which will call some gss functions and return an error code when they fail. It then sets authproblem to TRUE, which means that even though it reads the NTLM header it will not continue to send the NTLM auth as we want. It seems to me that it should be ignoring this Negotiate header entirely, since in this second pass CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE isn't even included in CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH.

(I've also tried adding CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT when allowNegotiate is false, to force it to use a new connection, but "picked" is still set.)

So it looks like "picked" should be cleared at some point when Negotiate auth fails, so that it doesn't keep trying to use it for further requests. But I'm not sure where this is should be done.

Another option would be to change that if statement to "if(authp->picked == CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE && authp->want & CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE)", so that if we don't want negotiate it just ignores the value of picked here, but I think that would just be hiding the problem.


Comment By: Joe Mason (jmasonrim)
Date: 2012-07-27 11:38

Better: I have a test suite! See the reset_test branch at (Also attached as a patch.)

I added 9 tests (starting from test2023) which are each driven by a tool
called "libauthretry" - I chose to name it this rather than following the
pattern of naming it lib2023 because it's used from so many tests, I
thought a descriptive name was better.

The tool takes two auth types (for example Digest and NTLM) and sends the
following requests:

create new curl handle with curl_easy_init
(A) get url using testuser:wrongpass enabling only auth type 1 - expect
(B) get url using testuser:testpass enabling only auth type 2 - expect 200
create new handle with curl_easy_cleanup / curl_easy_init
(C) get url using testuser:wrongpass enabling only auth type 1 - expect
(D) get url using testuser:wrongpass enabling only auth type 2 - expect
(E) get url using testuser:testpass enabling only auth type 2 - expect 200

So for a given pair of auth types, this tests whether data persists across
a handle reuse (B), whether it persists with a connection even with a new
handle (C), whether an authproblem messes up a subsequent successful auth
(A -> B), whether an authproblem messes up a subsequenct failed auth (C ->
D), and whether an authproblem still messes up if the following auth is of
the same type as the original (D -> E).

The 9 tests run this tool on each pair of auth types, including having both
the "main" and "fallback" auth types be the same. For example, test2023 is
"basic basic", and tests whether retrying an auth with the same handle
using only Basic auth works; test2024 is "basic digest", and tests whether
retrying a failed Basic auth using Digest auth works; test2026 is "digest
basic", which is the opposite - start with digest and fall back to basic.

I made all these tests because in my quick attempts to fix this I found
that by fixing NTLM I caused new failures in Digest, so it seems like the
code paths for each auth type use different information. So it's important
to test each different auth type as both the first auth (which leaves state
behind) and the second auth (which reads the state).

I doubt the actual contents of the Digest and NTLM headers are correct -
the important thing right now is whether requests with Basic, Digest and
NTLM auth are sent at the right times. While fixing, if we get a test to
the point where it succeeds except that the hashes aren't correct, we can
fix the tests to use the hashes we see curl sending.

Running these I see:

test2023 - basic only - succeeds

test2024 - basic -> digest - curl continues to use Basic auth for
subsequent requests even though only Digest is enabled ("picked" is not
reset). Also it prints "Authentication problem. Ignoring this." before many
but not all WWW-Authenticate headers, suggesting authproblem is set

test2025 - basic -> ntlm - gets in an infinite loop printing "additional
stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0"

test2026 - digest -> basic - the handle receives a 401 with digest nonce
"2" before the reset. After the reset, the first request sent out by curl
includes a digest with nonce "2", even though only Basic is enabled.
(Using that nonce would actually be correct for Digest, but I believe the
reset should have cleared curl's knowledge of auth schemes the site
supports, so there should be no way for curl to know that - I expect it to
send a new request with no authorization)

test2027 - digest only - as above, after the reset sends a request with the
nonce from before the reset (which succeeds because this is an acceptable
thing to do). However, when sending multiple failed digests in a with a
reset between, curl prints "Ignoring duplicate digest auth header." and
continues to use the same nonce over and over.

test2028 - digest -> ntlm - gets in an infinite loop printing "additional
stuff not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0"

test2029 - ntlm -> basic - whenever switching to Basic auth after using
NTLM, curl prints "NTLM handshake failure (internal error)", showing that
it has saved the NTLM transaction state and is expecting this new request
to continue the previous NTLM auth transaction. Also it continues to
choose NTLM over Basic even when NTLM is not included in CURLOPT_AUTH

test2030 - ntlm -> digest - pretty much the same as 2029, except now I also
see "Authentication problem. Ignoring this." and "Ignoring duplicate digest
auth header." from Digest, although curl never chooses to actually use

test2031 - ntlm only - gets in an infinite loop printing "additional stuff
not fine transfer.c:1037: 0 0"


Comment By: Daniel Stenberg (bagder)
Date: 2012-07-26 14:07

Thanks for the report.

Do you have any recipe to repeat/see this problem in a decent way?


Comment By: Joe Mason (jmasonrim)
Date: 2012-07-18 07:54

Actually I think picked needs to be cleared even on a successful auth. I
have a server that serves most resources with "WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate"
and "WWW-Authenticate: Basic" headers, but one resource (call it B) that
only has Basic for some reason. When fetching a page that includes
subresources A, B, C, curl chooses Negotiate for A and Basic for B (since
there's no Negotiate header to trigger the code above). I would expect curl
to choose Negotiate again for C since it's most secure, but actually it
chooses Basic again because picked is still set from the last request.


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Received on 2012-07-27

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