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[ curl-Bugs-3517451 ] cURL with sftp strange behaviour after connection drop
From: SourceForge.net <noreply_at_sourceforge.net>
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 15:35:23 -0700
Bugs item #3517451, was opened at 2012-04-13 03:21
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Initial Comment:
Not sure if its the right place to log this ticket because it seems to be the libssh2 package affecting cURL.
I created a 70mb file and transferred it using the command below:
The file sftp speed was about 2 seconds per 10% completion while transferring (+- 20 seconds for 100% completion)
When a connection drop occurred while transferring, cURL's progress bar paused. When the connection came up again, cURL resumed the transfer but the transfer speed changed to a slower speed of +- 5 seconds per 10% completion.
Hope you will be able to duplicate this strange occurance. I was able to duplicate this everytime :)
$ uname -a
$ curl --version
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