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[ curl-Bugs-3511794 ] curl core dump [PATCH]
From: SourceForge.net <noreply_at_sourceforge.net>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 10:54:07 -0700
Bugs item #3511794, was opened at 2012-03-27 00:38
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Initial Comment:
I triggered it accidentely while trying out curl in verbose mode with huge HTTP headers with HTTPS protocol on a tomcat service.
Comment By: Yang Tse (yangtse)
Thanks a lot
Comment By: Olaf Flebbe (oflebbe)
I have analysed the problem before:
It calls (http.c1076)
1076 res = Curl_write(conn, sockfd, ptr, sendsize, &amount);
This calls SSL_write (ssluse.c:2631)
It runs the following code for err=3:
This calls sendf.c and CURLE_AGAIN is transformed to a 0 byte write and
256 switch(curlcode) {
Thus the
1076 res = Curl_write(conn, sockfd, ptr, sendsize, &amount);
ends with amount = 0 and res = CURLE_OK.(!)
This results later on in calling
iterating i over 0 to (size -1) (OOPS!)(tool_cb_dbg.c:110)
Comment By: Yang Tse (yangtse)
Would it be possible for you to build and use a debug enabled curl and
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Page updated January 05, 2012.
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