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[ curl-Bugs-3510490 ] -z/--time-cond does not mention mtime

From: <>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 05:20:36 -0700

Bugs item #3510490, was opened at 2012-03-23 05:20
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by mestrelion
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Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
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Category: documentation
Group: wrong content
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: MestreLion (mestrelion)
Assigned to: Daniel Stenberg (bagder)
Summary: -z/--time-cond does not mention mtime

Initial Comment:
In my system (Ubuntu 10.10, using curl 7.21.0), manual says:

       -z/--time-cond <date expression>
              (HTTP/FTP) Request a file that has been modified later than the given time and date, or one that has been modi‐
              fied before that time. The date expression can be all sorts of date strings or if it doesn't match any internal
              ones, it tries to get the time from a given file name instead! See the curl_getdate(3) man pages for date
              expression details.

The wording "it tries to get the time from a given file name instead!" can lead users in thinking it tries to somehow parse the filename for a date expression (like news_2012_03_05.html). It never mentions that it actually reads the mtime of the file in filesystem.(which is great!)

So I suggest the following:

       -z/--time-cond <date expression>|<file>
              (HTTP/FTP) Request a file that has been modified later than the given time and date, or one that has been modi‐
              fied before that time. The <date expression> can be all sorts of date strings or if it doesn't match any internal
              ones, it is taken as a filename and tries to get the modified time (mtime) from <file> instead. See the
              curl_getdate(3) man pages for date expression details.


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Received on 2012-03-23

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