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[ curl-Bugs-3494091 ] Proxy feature version info wrong
From: SourceForge.net <noreply_at_sourceforge.net>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 07:02:16 -0800
Bugs item #3494091, was opened at 2012-02-25 07:02
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Initial Comment:
Under CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE in the setopt doc, it says that CURLPROXY_SOCKS4 was introduced in 7.15.2, whereas the symbols page reports 7.10. Since archived source bundles are difficult to come by, I can't confirm when it became available. Though I happened to have recently compiled software with socks support on a system running 7.15.1, so I know 7.15.2 is inaccurate.
Additionally, the setopt doc reports that CURLOPT_SOCKOPTFUNCTION was introduced in 7.15.6, but the symbols page says 7.16.
There may be other conflicts on the pages, but these are the ones we came across.
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