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[ curl-Bugs-3458404 ] Compulsively Sends "Guest" as Username (SSPI/NTLM)
From: SourceForge.net <noreply_at_sourceforge.net>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 15:45:02 -0800
Bugs item #3458404, was opened at 2011-12-12 15:45
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Initial Comment:
Here's the problem: No matter what I do, libcurl will only send the username "Guest" for SSPI authentication, completely disregarding the username I specify. The server I'm testing this against is the same one (localhost) with mod_auth_sspi installed.
According to the Curl section in phpinfo(), both NTLM and SSPI are enabled.
The destination page is just a PHP script with 1 line: print_r( $_SERVER );
The domain is being passed correctly; just not the username.
When I point to the exact same URL in IE, FireFox, or Chrome, the correct domain\username is passed. It only fails in PHP/cURL.
According to Apache's access.log (relevant portion attached), the "Guest" username is what's being sent, which means this isn't a bug in mod_auth_sspi since that layer occurs later in the stack.
(Possibly separate issue?) If SSPIOmitDomain is set to "On" in httpd.conf, cURL will always fail authentication (which only happens in the browser if you get prompted and hit "Cancel" since it's configured not to check the validity of usernames). This might be a separate issue, but I thought I'd include it here just in case it might be related somehow.
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