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[ curl-Bugs-1891355 ] Progress callback not called during failed socket connect
From: SourceForge.net <noreply_at_sourceforge.net>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:34:17 -0800
Bugs item #1891355, was opened at 2008-02-11 13:34
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Initial Comment:
Problem appears to be in lib/connect.c, in Curl_connecthost() and/or singleipconnect(). I have absolutely no experience with networking functions except using libcurl, but I added a pgrsUpdate() call in Curl_connecthost() after the singleipconnect() function is called. This has the progress callback called, but only after the blocking singleipconnect() function returns.
I'll keep trial-and-erroring to see if I can fix this, but quickly looking at the singleipconnect() function and it's blocking standard library calls, I'm not even sure there's a possible fix for this.
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