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Couldn't connect to host (err: 7)

From: Hadi Rezaee via curl-library <>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 20:53:24 +0230

Hello there,

So, we're running both client and webserver on a same machine (CentOS 7),
the client is posting around 700 REST requests per second to webserver (

The problem is about 30% of requests getting failed

The client is using curl easy handlers to communicate with server, (multi
is not an option in the context) and to improve concurrency the client
maintains around 1024 easy-handlers.

Still we're not sure what is bottle-neck here. Is it client+libcurl or
webserver or even machine.

We tried to tune the Linux kernel a little bit (increased buffer sizes,
file handlers, connection related params and so on) but no luck

we've build the client with both libcurl 7.29 and 7.72 but same result

Received on 2020-09-20