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Unable to compile curlx.c with OpenSSL 1.1.0

From: Krishnaraj <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 12:02:04 +0530

Hi Daniel,

I am using libcurl to connect to a server over HTTPS. I had followed the
sample curlx.c for my implementation which worked smoothly in my ubuntu
14.04. Recently I had to upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.0g. Now I am unable to
compile my application as well as curlx.c. It fails with the following

./docs/examples/curlx.c: In function ‘ssl_app_verify_callback’:
./docs/examples/curlx.c:199:15: error: dereferencing pointer to
incomplete type
    if(ok && ctx->cert) {
./docs/examples/curlx.c:202:37: error: dereferencing pointer to
incomplete type
        X509_print_ex(p->errorbio, ctx->cert, 0, 0);
./docs/examples/curlx.c:204:32: error: dereferencing pointer to
incomplete type
      accessinfo = my_get_ext(ctx->cert, p->accesstype, NID_sinfo_access);
./docs/examples/curlx.c:211:40: error: dereferencing pointer to
incomplete type
      else if(accessinfo = my_get_ext(ctx->cert, p->accesstype,

I googled it and found that OpenSSL has introduced data hiding and I
feel that it is causing the error. Unfortuantly I could not find any
wrapper function to retrieve the cert from X509_STORE_CTX.  If somebody
has already found a solution, that would be helpful.

Thanks & Regards,
**Krishnaraj D
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Received on 2017-12-13