Re: Error 60 Self signed certificate issue
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2016 07:27:14 +0000
Hi guys
Thanks for the answers. I finally found the reason, it was a silly mistake I made that caused the certificate path used in CURLOPT_CAINFO to never get assigned. I made that change for iOS so I never noticed it (since DarwinSSL does not have such a file).
So, the real problem was simply that the certificate file was not loaded at all and for some reason this caused the very confusing error saying the server used a self signed certificate.
What made it even more confusing is that running the openssl command line tool in OS-X:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect my_server:443
Produced the same kind of error namely:
verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
The fix was similar, passing the -CAfile option with a .pem file fixed the issue. In Linux it was not needed to pass the CA file path, it just worked.
These things combined made it a bit hard to find the root cause but now its back to normal.
Thanks for your help
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Received on 2016-09-02