cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


* schannel: failed to retrieve ALPN result

From: Adalid Claure <>
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2016 13:48:31 +0000

I've built libcurl and am (statically) linking to it. I am trying to make
an HTTPS call to a website. When I do it on my Windows 8.1 dev box it works
as expected. When I move the same binaries over to a non-dev Windows 7 box
I get "SSL connect error". I enabled CURL's verbose mode and I see the
following message:

* schannel: failed to retrieve ALPN result

I do see in a comment in the code that "ALPN requires version 8.1 of the
Windows SDK, which was shipped with Visual Studio 2013" which I guess is a
compilation/build requirement, but maybe it's a runtime requirement as
well? For the heck of if I tried installing the Visual C++ 2013
Redistributable but I get the same error.

Thoughts? Thank you!

List admin:
Received on 2016-06-05