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Re: Command line switch to force overwrite

From: Andrew Williams <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2016 12:16:25 +1100

On 2/02/2016 3:17 AM, Gisle Vanem wrote:
> Andrew Williams wrote:
>> Running the script again though shows no overwrite.
> How do you conclude that? What do you mean by "show" and
> how long is it before you run the script again? I guess
> server-caching is creating troubles for you here.
>> I can't find a force overwrite switch.
>> Current put
>> curl.exe -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN remove for security>"
>> -T "C:\DATA\Network_Audit.xlsx"
> A curl upload works fine here (on Win-10), so I think it's a problem at your
> or the DropBox end.
> Does DropBox per chance use Apache servers? In such case,
> I've seen it can help to add this to your .htaccess file:
> Header add "disablevcache" "true"
> (I have that in my server's root-dir).
> But if it happens with FTP too (as you said), the above won't help.
> Also check this out:
> since maybe DropBox is using NGinx servers.
Thanks for the response.

I conclude no overwrite as DropBox shows when the file was uploaded
There is a label that notes the file was uploaded "5 seconds ago"

Waiting an hour and performing the upload again shows the file was
uploaded "1 hour ago"

Also like most management systems after a time the files are tagged with
their upload date and time.

Please also note I have identical performance under regular FTP using Curl.

To be clear upload works no question. It just seems that I can't
determine if the file is being overwritten. It may be I just can't

If someone can confirm that overwrite is the default behaviour for CURL
and there is no "force overwrite" switch then I'm happy to go on good
faith and worry about any non-overwrite issues later.

List admin:
Received on 2016-02-02