cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


verbose/debug and seeing data on the line

From: Dima Tisnek <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 16:04:56 +0100

Hi cURL list,

I'm trying to code up a multithreaded network throttle.
That is I want to throttle total network utilisation, as opposed to a
single connection.

I'm thinking what's the best way to grab actual number of bytes sent /
received on the network.

read function / write function are not correct due to possible compression

I've tried to follow SSL in / out from debug function with verbose 1,
but it seems I don't actually get all the data, rather I get ssl
headers or something like that (typical data len == 5, apart from a
few packets (certificates?))

i figure if I could see all the data that is read/written to a socket,
I should be set...

What's correct hook-up here?

List admin:
Received on 2016-01-22