cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Is curl suitable for iOS/Android when http proxy is used

Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 12:25:13 +0000


I am just getting started with curl and I really like it. We have a multi platform app running on iOS, Android, Win32 and Windows Phone and I would like to replace part of the http implementation with a cross platform one.

My doubt at this moment is how devices using a http proxy would work. I have not confirmed it but I would assume that if you use the native API's from Apple, the proxy would be taken care of by default while if we use curl we would be forced to ask the user to manually provide a password, something I guess most users don't know how to do or would be reluctant to doing.

I would really appreciate if someone could share experiences around this case. Am I right in my concern or am I missing something? Are http proxies so uncommon that they are not a problem or is this a deal breaker for an end user mobile application.

Any feedback is highly appreciated



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Received on 2016-01-15