cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Memory leak observed while using libcURL

From: RaJ M <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 16:49:27 -0600

libcURL version used : 7.40.0 (cross compiled for arm-linux)

Followed instructions from
to capture the memory leak associated with libcURL.
I additionally had to add the following line in include/curl/curl.h to
get rid of undefined reference to curl_memdebug() compile error
CURL_EXTERN void curl_memdebug(const char *logname);

tests/ has been used to analyze the output from libcURL
memory tracker. Attached both curl_memdebug output and
output containing the report on the leak. Ran valgrind separately and
attached that log as well

I will list out what I did with libcURL and what I want.

I have a restriction on number of HTTPS connections that can be
present at a time (max: 1) and at the same time, it shouldn't be a
blocking one. So I went on to use libcURL's multi API, options set are

One of my easy handles request take forever to end, as it continues to
receive data as response from my HTTPS server until disconnect. In my
testing, after I post the forever taking request and receive response
continuously, I add multiple other new HTTPS requests just to do HTTPS
POST (which actually doesn't expect a response) using a new easy
handle for each call towards curl_multi_add_handle() which turns out
to be successful (CURLM_OK) followed by continuous
curl_multi_perform() call which will succeed too.

While all of this happens, every new HTTPS request which are sent after the
HTTPS request/response, (through curl_easy_init() and other allocs) would
eat up resources which will never be released as that easy handle state
will be set to CURLM_STATE_CONNECT_PEND and stays there. No way to drop the
request and release the resources if the easy handle doesn't get to get a
connection at all after a period of time (possible timeout) ? I am not
confident if this is something that can be fixed at libcURL end or its just
my application that is missing out something.

SideQuestion: May be not possible but just wondering, using libcURL, is
there any
way to do multiple HTTPS Post (which doesn't expect data back) while
one of the in-progress easy handle still receives data from HTTPS server
and as well with the restriction of maximum one connection towards HTTPS at
a time.

Raja Gopal M

List admin:

Received on 2015-02-27