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Re: long timeout after a lost connection (curl 7.39, windows)

From: чи дер <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:58:29 +0300

 So hasn't anyone come across this issue or was the info I provide too obscure to make any conclusions?

Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:06:13 +0300 от чи дер <>:
> I've come across the following curl problem, which can be easily reproduced on Windows (XP SP3 to be precise):
> 1. connect to a remote host
> 2. POST some data
> 3. unplug the network cable (sometimes this happens when the server closes connection due to keep-alive settings, but unplugging is the most reliable)
> 4. try POSTing another chunk of data and observe the following message:
>* Found bundle for host XXX: 0x280e400
>* Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host XXX
>* Connected to XXX (XXX) port 8080 (#0)
>Host: XXX:8080
>Accept: */*
>Cookie: runmode=test
>Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"
>Content-Length: 940
>* upload completely sent off: 940 out of 940 bytes
>" This then stalls for minutes sometimes, while CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS and CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS are set to 1 second. Such short timeout is critical in this specific application I'm working on.
>If I break in the debugger it's sitting in:
>Curl_poll(pollfd * ufds=0x02d1c6a0, unsigned int nfds=1, int timeout_ms=1000) Line 516 + 0x4f bytes C
>curl_multi_wait(void * multi_handle=0x02851b18, curl_waitfd * extra_fds=0x00000000, unsigned int extra_nfds=0, int timeout_ms=1000, int * ret=0x0305f500) Line 890 + 0x11 bytes C
>easy_transfer(void * multi=0x02851b18) Line 684 + 0x16 bytes C
>easy_perform(SessionHandle * data=0x02cd9018, bool events=bool_false) Line 800 + 0x18 bytes C
>curl_easy_perform(void * easy=0x02cd9018) Line 819 + 0xb bytes C specifically in :
>r = select((int)maxfd + 1,
>#ifndef USE_WINSOCK
>&fds_read, &fds_write, &fds_err,
>/* WinSock select() can't handle fd_sets with zero bits set, so
>don't give it such arguments. See the comment about this in
>fds_read.fd_count ? &fds_read : NULL,
>fds_write.fd_count ? &fds_write : NULL,
>fds_err.fd_count ? &fds_err : NULL,
>Where only fds_read is set to 1 and has the original socket handle.
>I understand this is a windows-specific problem and I was wondering if there's a way to resolve this maybe by changing some parameters of the socket when it is created?
>List admin:

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Received on 2014-12-15