cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Need suggestion o how to handle subsequent authorization challenge.

From: Arif Ali <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 15:41:56 +0530


      I am using libCurl as backend for scale down browser of my own.
Say I load a website called and this site has
auth challenge enabled. for now lets assume its Basic or NTLM

I receive the WWW-Authenticate response header.
I resend the request providing credential but this time using different
curl handle.
I get the response back, Now the home page is loaded in
webkit, web kit
parses this figures out that it has load many JS,CSS and image files that
are included in this.

It fires multiple request for all this include files.
for each request I have a separate thread, and separate curl handle is used
i each thread.

Now the problem that I am facing is since curl handle is not reused, every
time I am getting authentication challenge.
I can not reuse the curl handle because every request is made in different
thread and curl handle can not be used
across the multiple threads as per documentation.

I do not want to prompt user several times for credentials for same website.
How do I handle this scenario?

While observing the Developer tools-> Network tab in firefox browser.
I observe that for all subsequent request on same domain.
Browser also receives the www-authentication challenge but then
it send "Authorization" request header. So as a user I only have to
authenticate once

From user experience perspective I also want to do the same,
Any suggestion how can it be done?

Is there anyway I can get this authorization request header from curl
handle and reuse it in
subsequent requests ?


List admin:
Received on 2014-11-25