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AW: Problem with NEGOTIATE-Proxy-Authentication and not reusing underlying TCP-Connections

From: Stefan Bühler <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 15:09:45 +0000


Improved the patch; it shouldn't reset the header for basic/digest authentication (would lead to another request roundtrip for each request).


> Hi,
> we tested a little bit more:
> For authentication conn->allocptr.proxyuserpwd is set in the various
> backends.
> curl_ntlm and curl_ntlm_wb might free it (in NTLMSTATE_TYPE3, if it
> reaches this stage), all the others don't.
> So with negotiate proxy authentication it looks like this: first it issues some
> request getting 407, then it finally succeeds.
> All further requests still have the header set (but shouldn't); and while the
> proxy ignores the header for GET, it will reject POST requests with 407 and
> close the connection.
> With NTLM and curl_easy_reset it sometimes works, and sometimes
> doesn't (perhaps related to DNS? It looks like it doesn't work with a DNS
> name which resolves to multiple IPs, but works with a fixed IP).
> We couldn't reproduce the behavior that Negotiate and curl_easy_reset are
> working, so reusing the handle probably triggers NTLMSTATE_TYPE3, and
> new connections don't.
> Summary: the "Proxy-Authorization" header is (almost) never reset, and the
> proxy doesn't like the header (for POST) after the authentication.
> Now in http.c the "Authorization" header (userpwd) is freed:
> /*
> * Free userpwd now --- cannot reuse this for Negotiate and possibly NTLM
> * with basic and digest, it will be freed anyway by the next request
> */
> Curl_safefree (conn->allocptr.userpwd);
> conn->allocptr.userpwd = NULL;
> Freeing proxyuserpwd too after these lines fixed the problem for us (we're
> still testing what other side effects this might have); see attached patch.
> It would be nice to get some feedback whether this is the right approach :)
> Regards,
> Stefan

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Received on 2014-10-13