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Building libcurl with Borland BCC5.5 compiler

From: Jon Torrey <>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 11:43:16 -0400

I have been attempting to build and compile libcurl on my Windows machine.
 More specifically, with HTTP_ONLY to start out with for now. I want to
get familiar with building this library so I can port it over to my own
system. I did put a #define HTTP_ONLY in the top of config-win32.h
and curl_setup.h
just to make sure it is HTTP_ONLY.

I have built the library easily on my Linux box, but Windows, not so much.
 Is there a way to build on Linux targeted for Borland? Explanation of
experience thus far. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

*I have two versions of the library :*

*1. *curl-master

*2. *curl-7.37.0-20140502 (daily snapshot)

*1. Attempting to build curl-master gives the following error : *

C:\curl-master\lib>make -f Makefile.b32
MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
The system cannot find the file specified.
        cpp32 -q -P- -5 -O2 -tWM -w -w-aus -w-ccc -w-dup -w-prc -w-pro
-w-rch -w
-sig -w-spa -w-inl -w-pia -w-pin -Dinline=__inline -I.;..\include -DNDEBUG
nt .\file.c
*Error E2209 .\curl_setup.h 126: Unable to open include file '/curl/curlbu*
*** 1 errors in Compile ***

There is no curlbuild.h in the curl-master directory, just variants of
curlbuild.h such as curlbuild.h.cmake, curlbuild.h.dist, and

*2. Attempting to build curl-7.37.0-20140502*

C:\curl-7.37.0-20140502>make borland
MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
        cd lib
        make -f Makefile.b32
MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
The directory is not empty.
A subdirectory or file .\BCC_objs already exists.
*Fatal: 'vtls/openssl.obj' does not exist - don't know how to make it*

** error 1 ** deleting borland

Inside the lib/vtls directory there are source files, such as openssl.c,
which I attempted to make myself prior to making the library but it threw a
lot of errors:

C:\curl-7.37.0-20140502\lib\vtls>bcc32.exe openssl.c
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2209 openssl.c 33: Unable to open include file 'curl_setup.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 39: Unable to open include file 'urldata.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 40: Unable to open include file 'sendf.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 41: Unable to open include file 'formdata.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 42: Unable to open include file 'url.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 43: Unable to open include file 'inet_pton.h'
Error E2209 openssl.h 25: Unable to open include file 'curl_setup.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 45: Unable to open include file 'connect.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 46: Unable to open include file 'slist.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 47: Unable to open include file 'strequal.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 48: Unable to open include file 'select.h'
Error E2209 vtls.h 24: Unable to open include file 'curl_setup.h'
Error E2141 vtls.h 34: Declaration syntax error
Error E2141 vtls.h 36: Declaration syntax error
Error E2209 openssl.c 50: Unable to open include file 'rawstr.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 51: Unable to open include file 'hostcheck.h'
Error E2209 openssl.c 54: Unable to open include file 'curl/mprintf.h'
*** 17 errors in Compile ***

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Received on 2014-05-05