cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: HTTP 2.0 selects forever

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:07:29 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 25 Sep 2013, Gisle Vanem wrote:

> I'm having some success with HTTP 2.0 using the NgHTTP2 test server
> . I don't suppose there are other HTTP 2.0 servers
> I can test with?

The http2 support is still lacking so the data you see being received is still
handled as plain HTTP by libcurl and that's why you see "junk" and it doesn't
detect the end of it etc.

I have a few local commits that make it slightly better but recently I've hit
a little obstacle in nghttp2's API that I've been communicating with Tatsuhiro
about how to solve[1]. I hope to be able to get something done on that soon so
that I can get a first HTTP2 download transfer done properly.

nghttp2 includes 'nghttpx' which can work as a HTTP2 <=> HTTP 1.1 proxy for
any HTTP 1.1 server really and that's what I hope to use soon for creating
curl test cases. I'm not aware of any other public HTTP2 servers to test
against - but the problem is still in our side and not in the server!

Also, note that I've only started to add support for HTTP+Upgrade handshakes,
not HTTPS hanshakes as they are completely different and will require SSL
layer changes which I'm trying to hold off for now.

[1] =

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Received on 2013-09-25