cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Possible Issue with libCURL File Download

From: Ryan <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013 16:48:45 +0800

Let me explain in more detail. I'm trying to write a program that downloads a file from a remote FTP server, appends one line to the end of it, and then re-uploads it (this is for a program that manages music collections - when a new song is added, it downloads a song list from the main server and adds a string with song information). The file operations work, and the necessary string is appended to the file and re-uploaded, but when I download the file again, no text was appended. In other words, the file on the FTP server contains only the most recently written string from the last execution of the program, and not any prior strings from prior runs of the program. I've written a small test program to demonstrate this; here's the code at Pastebin:

The program prints the following output on both the initial run and subsequent runs:

Remote URL:
Got data.
Local data file size: 678 bytes.
Current position in file: 678
Uploading database file back to server...
Local data file size: 690 bytes.
Remote URL is !
*** We read 690 bytes from file.
If the program works, the output from the subsequent run should be:

Remote URL:
Got data.
Local data file size: 690 bytes.
Current position in file: 690
Uploading database file back to server...
Local data file size: 702 bytes.
Remote URL is !
*** We read 702 bytes from file.

And the local data file size should be incrementing by 12 each run (12 is the length of the sample string I'm using in this test program), but it's not - it remains 690 bytes (which is the size of the remote directory listing mysteriously getting tagged onto the front of the file).
Because the data is written to the file and re-uploaded (I know this because the uploaded file is a greater size than the downloaded file) I assume the upload worked; my suspicion is that the problem lies in the download process and/or the curl_database_write function. I've been doing everything humanely possible to find out why this is happening, to no avail. If anyone knows anything about why this isn't working, I'd love to know. I'm being paid to write this program, and I know I've got to find a solution soon...

List admin:
Received on 2013-07-08