cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


login.cpl error in payment engine

From: Wojciech Lisik <>
Date: Tue, 07 May 2013 19:14:55 +0200


I am constructing HCAV app with PHP and curl. There is a main page
(built with php) and webserverice (as applet) for proccessing a payment
(in c# and curl). From the back-end we (admins) have Linux server, with
2 admin panels (written in APO with curl) - one for applet only (lets
call it applet AP) and the other one for site in general (but not
applet, lets call it general AP). From the general AP, we choose
Transfers > ID > ... > Rec and we are redirected to editing new record
for the ID chosen. We enter:

     <migrate from = 'customers' in = 'id'>
     <migrate to = 'non-customers' in = 'id'>
     <selector id = '&T'>

and click Save button. This should migrate locale for selected ID to new
table within sql base.
Instead, we get HTI message from login.cpl Error code is

what is causing that?
List admin:
Received on 2013-05-07