cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


how to set the openssl certificate in android curl client

From: Indtiny s <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 12:10:02 -0400

Since Android does not support a new openssl and one of my applicaton needs
to use the openssl 1.0.1c , hence I thought of cross building the openssl
and curl to android . I have cross built the curl and openssl for the
android with help of this link Using cURL in Android .. I am able to build
succesfully and got shared libs . and now I am trying to run my application
, in my application I need to add my self signed certificates , when I
tried to add the certificates which are stored in sdcard via my native culr
clienr code ,I am getting the following error response from the curl i.e
CURLE_SSL_CERTPROBLEM (58)=>problem with the local client certificate.

I have tested this application on x86 linux PC , my application works fine

Here with I have put my curl setoption code , and in that I am just trying
to read the certificates from sdcard

below are the curl set option I tried to set the certs


Am I following the right approach to set the certificates in the android
ndk level . since this application lib is used my java application is there
some other way to load the certs .

List admin:
Received on 2012-10-11