cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Setting priority for an easy handle in a multihandle

From: Lijo Antony <>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 15:41:17 +0400


I am using libcurl multi interface for performing HTTPS transfer.
My current design uses a single multi handle and multiple easy handles
in it and I am reusing the easy handles for subsequent transfers. I am
limiting the number of easy handles to 10, for throttling. I have also
limited the number of open connections to 10, to reduce the load on server.

My transfers consist of uploads(PUT), downloads(GET) and rpc(POST).
I can see that with my current design, all the 10 easy handles enjoy the
same priority. And as a result rpc methods could be delayed by other
ongoing downloads or uploads. Since most of my rpc methods are
associated with user actions and other real time events, I feel any
latency for them would affect user experience.

I would like to know whether there is a way to set a higher priority for
an easy handle, so that my rpc methods will not be affected by uploads
and downloads? I am thinking of using another multi handle, dedicatedly
for rpc. Would it help? I am also interested to know, whether some one
is already handling this, and how?

Thanks in advance.
List admin:
Received on 2012-04-29