Re: Static libcurl with static libcurl dependencies
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 15:34:55 +0200
> That's not something the libcurl configure scripts support in the general
> case. However, it should work if all the dependent libaries are available
> *only* as static libraries, and all their pkg-config files are correctly
> configured for those static libraries. And, of course, it should also
> work in the case where all the features dependent on external libraries
> are turned off with --disable-* and the -static flag is passed to the linker
> with LDFLAGS.
Just FYI, the Plan9 port is completely statically linked since there
is no such thing as dynamic libraries on that OS.
On the other hand, it is a very early port that could not make use of
the standard configure scripts with lots of ugly stuff in it still....
List admin:
Received on 2012-04-20