static link libcurl with VS2010 causes crash
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 15:35:18 -0800
I've built libcurl as a static library using the Visual Studio
solution file provided in the source code. I converted the VC6 to
VC10 (VS2010). Everything built successfully. However, when I link
the library (libcurl.lib) to my project and use it, I am getting
crashes related to memory allocation/free. Here is a sample call
stack below of the crash.
msvcr100d.dll!_free() + 0x10 bytes
xx.dll!destroy_async_data(Curl_async * async=0x003f2aa0) Line 326 + 0xe bytes C
xx.dll!Curl_resolver_wait_resolv(connectdata * conn=0x003f26d0,
Curl_dns_entry * * entry=0x00000000) Line 494 + 0xf bytes C
xx.dll!connect_host(SessionHandle * data=0x003e92a0, connectdata * *
conn=0x00e2f7c4) Line 1948 + 0xd bytes C
xx.dll!Curl_do_perform(SessionHandle * data=0x003e92a0) Line 2086 + 0xd bytes C
xx.dll!Curl_perform(SessionHandle * data=0x003e92a0) Line 2232 + 0x9 bytes C
xx.dll!curl_easy_perform(void * curl=0x003e92a0) Line 537 + 0x9 bytes C
I made sure to build everything using the same runtimes (/MD runtimes
as DLL). I am all out of ideas on what could be wrong with my build
of libcurl. I am statically linking both openssl and libcurl which I
built myself. Both were configured the same and are using the same
Has anyone managed to build libcurl statically and was able to make
things work properly?
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Received on 2012-02-21