Help needed: can't deploy libcurl dependent program on non-developer osX machines
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 00:44:37 +0300
hello all!
i'm working on xcode 3.0 and have been using libcurl successfully on in my
it's a plug-in for adobe after effects that has to be compiled for
both MacOSX10.4u.sdk
and MacOSX10.5.sdk.
so far i having no problem linking on both configurations and the library is
working beautifully!
the problem is that i can't get the plug-ins to run on non-developer
as soon as the function that calls the library is hit, the program crashes.
i'm linking against libcurl.4.dylib file that ships with osX.
it exists on the non-dev machines as well, and on the same path as appears
using otool -L on both the included lib and exec.
i tried changing the -id of the lib to @loader_path/../ using
install_name_tool, but the problem persists.
i also tried building a static .a lib and link against it, but the exec
keeps getting linked against the standard dylib.
changing the name of the .a file solves the previous problem, but then the
cult symbols (easy_setup ect.) are not found,
though i changed the setting on "other linker flags" to the new name.
in this mailing list i found a script ( that creates a framework,
but i can't get it to run. (probably because i'm new at this)
building an xcode project with the source files doesn't work for me as well
because i'm getting syntax errors in the files.
i've been trying to solve this for a week now, and it's time i talked to
some grown-ups.
what would the correct approach be?
any help would be appreciated!
List admin:
Received on 2011-09-17