cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: error when compiling cUrl in win xp with openssl using winbuild (command line)

From: Guenter <>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 17:08:17 +0200

Hi Meir,
please avoid to top-post:

Am 16.05.2011 14:10, schrieb Meir Yanovich:
> im using xp , from source i defined not to use IDN when compiling
the native IDN feature depends on USE_WIN32_IDN being defined.
I assume that you use the new MSVC makefiles in ./winbuild;
open the file and look at line 155ff:
USE_IDN =true
!ELSEIF "$(USE_IDN)"=="yes"
USE_IDN =true

!IF "$(USE_IDN)"=="true"
LFLAGS = $(LFLAGS) Normaliz.lib

so this looks to me as if it should work when you set USE_IDN=no :
1st test is false since USE_IDN is defined
2nd (elseif) test false since USE_IDN != yes
3rd test false since USE_IDN != true

so no idea why it doesnt work for you; but if you cant figure it out
then just comment the CFLAGS and LFLAGS lines and ou should be fine.

Alternately you can also try with the old MSVC makefiles located in
./lib and ./src which AFAIK dont yet support native IDN builds.


List admin:
Received on 2011-05-16