cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: libcURL application failed to initialize properly

From: Guenter <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 16:55:15 +0200

Am 27.04.2011 05:53, schrieb mammar:
> what to do now?
build yourself. We distribute a couple of MSVC makefiles, and it is well
documented in docs/INSTALL.
Anyway the package you try to use is more than 27 months old, and even
if you manage to get it working - next is that you face bugs which are
fixed for a long time already.

Also, once you made it though the process of building all dependencies
yourself you have learned a lot about working in general with your
toolchain (compiler, linker, commandline, IDE) which isnt that bad ;-)


List admin:
Received on 2011-04-27