libssh2 version: 1.2.8_DEV libcurl version: 7.21.4 Curl timer: 1ms Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 0). Got a timeout (-1) Curl debug: About to connect() to port 22 (#0) Curl debug: Trying Curl debug: connected Curl debug: Connected to ( port 22 (#0) Curl debug: User: cecilia Curl debug: Password: Curl debug: SSH socket: 4 Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_STOP to SSH_S_STARTUP Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_S_STARTUP to SSH_HOSTKEY Curl debug: Fingerprint: ...... Curl debug: Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_HOSTKEY to SSH_AUTHLIST Curl debug: 0x807c91c is at send pipe head! Curl debug: STATE: CONNECT => WAITCONNECT handle 0x8067d5c; (connection #0) Curl debug: STATE: WAITCONNECT => PROTOCONNECT handle 0x8067d5c; (connection #0) Socket action: poll in (4) Curl timer: 1ms Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 5). Got a read (4) Curl debug: SSH authentication methods available: gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,publickey,password,keyboard-interactive Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_AUTHLIST to SSH_AUTH_PKEY_INIT Curl debug: Using ssh public key file Curl debug: Using ssh private key file key.prv Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_AUTH_PKEY_INIT to SSH_AUTH_PKEY Curl timer: -1ms Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 5). Got a read (4) Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 5). Got a read (4) Curl debug: Initialized SSH public key authentication Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_AUTH_PKEY to SSH_AUTH_DONE Curl debug: Authentication complete Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_AUTH_DONE to SSH_SFTP_INIT Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 5). Got a read (4) Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 5). Got a read (4) Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 5). Got a read (4) Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_SFTP_INIT to SSH_SFTP_REALPATH Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 5). Got a read (4) Curl debug: SSH CONNECT phase done Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_SFTP_REALPATH to SSH_STOP Curl debug: STATE: PROTOCONNECT => DO handle 0x8067d5c; (connection #0) Curl debug: DO phase starts Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_STOP to SSH_SFTP_QUOTE_INIT Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_SFTP_QUOTE_INIT to SSH_SFTP_TRANS_INIT Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_SFTP_TRANS_INIT to SSH_SFTP_UPLOAD_INIT Curl debug: STATE: DO => DOING handle 0x8067d5c; (connection #0) Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 5). Got a read (4) Curl debug: SFTP 0x808534c state change from SSH_SFTP_UPLOAD_INIT to SSH_STOP Curl debug: DO phase is complete Curl debug: STATE: DOING => DO_DONE handle 0x8067d5c; (connection #0) Curl debug: STATE: DO_DONE => WAITPERFORM handle 0x8067d5c; (connection #0) Curl debug: STATE: WAITPERFORM => PERFORM handle 0x8067d5c; (connection #0) Socket action: poll remove (4) Checking for completion... Running select (maxfd 0).