cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


Re: running tests windows, without shell

From: Yang Tse <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 21:33:49 +0100

2010/12/27 Daniel Stenberg wrote:

> No, it has not been made to happen by anyone to my knowledge. I'm sure
> there's a lot to do to make it better on Windows but it really takes for
> someone familiar with that platform to work on it. Which excludes me.

I believe it isn't in such a bad state for Windows usage, an
installation of ActivePerl will be required, and for sure that
sockfilt.c will need some additional code for winsock platforms to
make it functional.

Test server and libtest programs have compiled properly for ages now.
even crosscompiled to windows. Whether they work properly or not is a
different matter.

List admin:
Received on 2010-12-27